Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mom! Have you heard of Holy Keller?


Well, I've heard of Helen Keller, but I knew what G.Q. meant.  He had me giggling...guess he's heard me say "holy crap!" enough that holy was the first thing that came to mind when he was searching for the H name.  His class has been studying the five senses in science class and they're focusing on touch right now.  He's learning how important your other senses become when you lose one. 

It can be difficult to imagine what life would be like if somebody took away our sight or hearing.  What about both, like Helen Keller.  I can imagine that I would feel quite paralyzed with fear.  G.Q. has a unique learning opportunity this year because his teacher's teenaged son is blind, so she is able teach the class from a different perspective.  She knows how her son learns and sees new things.  It's one thing to read it in a book, but to get to see and touch braille, to make projects that are very tactile, so that somebody with out sight could see that creation.  I think it's a pretty neat thing.  I think G.Q. realizes this, too.

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