Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Word

We're four days into the new year and I've yet to select my word. I was hoping something would slap me in the face, that it would be right in front of me, but it didn't. I've sat thinking about my life, what I want out of it, what I want to learn, to do, etc and it's sort of come to me...my word.

Execute. ex·e·cute
[ek-si-kyoot] verb,-cut·ed, -cut·ing. –verb (used with object)

1. to carry out; accomplish: to execute a plan or order. 2. to perform or do: to execute a maneuver.

I'm not a resolution maker but I feel like I need a plan of some sort. Since my little bug started school in August my life has changed a lot. I now have several hours in my day where it's just me. Well, sort of, my husband also works from a home office, so sometimes it's not just me. I also have this schedule we sort of live and die by. Our little bug runs much more efficiently on a schedule, which sometimes seems a bit rigid, but it works for us and him and he's the best he can be when we're on it. So I feel like a lot of my day is anticipating that next part of our schedule or being quiet because my husband is on the phone with a client or colleague. It's taken me a full quarter to sort of figure out my groove and I'm still not sure I have it figured out, but my goal is to get that figured out and soon. I want to return to scrapbooking, I also want to begin cooking more times a week and walking regularly. I have all these plans and I'm going to try to not let them be forgotten, I want to really work on them, to carry out my plan, execute.

Hopefully in the coming days I'll have scrapbook pages to post, maybe some pictures or recipes of dinner successes and maybe some pictures of my walks with my pooch.

1 comment:

And along comes three... said...

Love the word! Perfect for your new goals for the upcoming year! Best of luck!