It's been a busy, busy summer for us! And I know it's been a while since I've posted; seems like travel and keeping a kiddo busy has kept me busier than I imagined I'd be.
School is just around the corner and it's a big year for us; GQ starts kindergarten this school year! Very exciting but preparing for the big day has taken lots of least in my brain it has. Along with purchasing supplies and backpacks and lunch bags, I've had to prepare myself for that moment I send him to school and don't have any control on what he does or what he eats. That's huge! He's never been to preschool or daycare, so me letting him go is going to be difficult. I have a feeling the first weeks of school will be just as hard on mommy as they are on little GQ! He's excited to go, which I am thrilled about, should make that moment that I walk him to his classroom and then leave just a bit easier (at least for him.)
Something that is going to really be a new thing for us is packing lunches. It's going to happen every day of the school year. GQ has an allergy that is going to require me knowing ingredients of everything he eats and I'm not thrilled with school lunches in general. I'm hoping that there are days where there is a healthy choice and I can let him buy, but for now I'm planning (again, in my head) what I'll be packing for my little guy five days a week. I've been combing over websites and magazines getting ideas that I think are good for him, filling and that he'll eat. He's a great eater but I'm thinking he's totally going to become a bit picky after he sees other kids getting Lunchables or other items that he's not able to eat. So, help me brainstorm! Here is my list so far:
- cream cheese, deli meat and red pepper wraps
- apples, pretzels and peanut butter-yogurt dip
- oatmeal, yogurt and fruit parfait
- hummus and pita or naan
- grilled cheese and apple sandwich
- cheese, rice and broccoli casserole
- veggie cream cheese pinwheels
- peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- cheese sandwich
- soup and crackers
- mock tuna salad and crackers
- fruit kabobs and yogurt
Looks to me like you got some yummy lunches going on for the little guy. I hate school lunches. My son only bought rarely.
Great lunch ideas! As far as cute packaging ideas...I bought the girls some bento boxes from and they're adorable to pack in!
I've considered bento boxes...I need to see what works and what doesn't as far as foods go and see if a bento box would work.
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